Shubham Love Poem

कभी बेदार हो जाना कबी बेज़ार हो जाना
कभी अफ़लाक से ऊँचा अदद संसार हो जाना
मेरी आदत भटकने की है बेशक दर-ब-दर फिरते
कभी तो दर मिले मुझ को कहीं घर-बार हो जाना
जो हो मुझ से अदावत सो मुझे मंज़ूर है लेकिन
किसी दिन यूं ही बस जैसे पिघल कर प्यार हो जाना
ऐ मेरे चारागर तीमारदारी पर तेरी कैसे
यक़ीं कर लूं मैं आख़िर इक दफ़ा बीमार हो जाना
शुभम्ये वक़्त जाने क्यूं बड़ी उजलत में लगता है
मुक़ाबिल इस  के चलने के सबब रफ़्तार हो जाना
~~शुभम् आर्य
कभी= Sometimes, onceजाना= to be 'हो जाना', sweetheart 'you are so and so sweetheart'; 'हो जाना' as a refrain is doing so much here as the language makes it this way
बेदार = awake/wakeful/vigilant/mindful/aware/conscious/attentive
बे-ज़ार = bored/sick of/apathetic
फ़लक= heaven/sky; अफ़लाक = heavens/skies
अदद = number/figure (एक अदद)
आदत= habit
भटकना= to wander
शक= doubt; बेशक= undoubtedly
दर= door; दर-ब-दर =
फिरना= rotate/revolve/circulate
कहीं= somewhere, anywhere, lestजो= if/that/who
अदावत =
सो= that; also/in the same way; To a very great extent or degree; In a manner that facilitates; In such a condition or manner, especially as expressed or implied; To a certain unspecified extent or degree; In the way indicated; to an extent; Subsequently or soon afterwards (often used as a sentence connector); (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact, reason or as a result; In truth (often tends to intensify); And for this reason; In order that; With the result that
मंज़ूर= admire, approve of, choose, accept
लेकिन= but, yet
चारा= option, solution, cure/remedy, medication; चारागर =
तीमारदारी = treatment
यक़ीं/यक़ीन= certainty, truth, confidence, trust
आख़िर= at the end, after all
दफ़ा= time 'इक दफ़ा' i.e. once; section (IPC)
बीमार= sick, patient
वक़्त= time/occasion/season/opportunity, period/age
उजलत =
मुक़ाबिल= front/confront/contending/oppose/in opposition to/like/resemble/collate/compare/opposite/face-to-face/correspond
सबब = cause/reason/ground
रफ़्तार= speed, manner, behaviour

Jesus Loves You!


  1. Just Amazing Shubham, you write wonderful Ghazals and by following this form quite well. You make it more appreciable.

  2. Hi Shubham.

    Your poem was very touching. The word play is absolutely remarkable, you know how to tie them together where they don't appear too complicated. The weight of the word meanings are balanced out beautifully. I find it difficult to understand Hindi that much, but your expressions along with the word meanings at the end made it all the more comfortable for me to decipher the meaning without distracting myself, more so, without losing the tone and track. Thank you for that.

    The following lines caught my eye-
    शुभम्’ ये वक़्त जाने क्यूं बड़ी उजलत में लगता है
    मुक़ाबिल इस के चलने के सबब रफ़्तार हो जाना

    For students like us, where we are on a constant lookout for experiences, for 'doors', for triumphs, for love- time usually falls short in itself. It flies past us in this time-space reality without giving us a chance to wholly make sense, or even pay gratitude to what we have around us. It has made us so impatient that we just cannot stop and look around, observe, listen, or feel. You have portrayed it beautifully through your words.

    I would suggest that you use imagery to express better your emotions since they are so well written. It would make it more elaborate and visual in our minds (the relations to say, boredom and consciousness).


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