City Poem: Jasmine

Tea Time at #3038

In 3038 C-3 Vasant Kunj,
me and my nani
live in different time zones.

All day we move
in varying speeds

But when we sip tea
we enter
a strange realm of relief.

She tells me 
the back stories of the serials
on star plus.

I try to follow.

"The summer will come
just as severely
as the winter."

She says this
for the 100th time

but each time 
with a sense of discovery,
she lays down for me 
the extremities 
of this city.

She says,
"Don't keep three of anything on your plate."
I'm intrigued

"Don't befriend boys"
"Don't get a haircut on a Thursday"
I try to understand
Sometimes I can't

She too
doesn't get
Why I stay up till 2

Why I study dance
Or why I keep staring at my phone

But at tea time 
we try.

I settle
in my spot on the carpet
next to her

the TV is on
but the volume
remains low

we speak of our worlds
her time and mine

her new puja thali,
my new perfume 

family matters,
her fears and mine.

She tells me of the Delhi
she knew
and the Delhi
that is becoming.

At tea time
I see myself in her eyes

sipping tea
eating namkeen
my nani, me and this city
- We align.


  1. Hello Jasmine!
    It's a beautiful poem! I liked the both the connectors and dissimilar points between the two worlds, expressed well too.
    Sipping tea like this is indeed wonderful!
    Thanks fo this wonderful poem!
    Jesus Loves You!

  2. Hello Jasmine!
    As a reader I would say this poem created a beautiful image in my mind. And most importantly that image did not lose its site till the end of the poem.
    Simple and Creative.
    Great Work.


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