Her Political Poem

Her Honour

The bed was wet
her pillow wept
the room groaned
when she roared,
in the dense dark
she was merely a lark.

When She was broken
the dawn too broke.
What they said-
“It was his right
as it was his night.”
She carved her honour
from the grave of that bed.

And that transformed her core-

I am not a victim
I won't sell my story,
at the cost of societal sympathy
I won't be another Indian bride
I won't be a bait to the family's pride.

She pulled her hair
chopped it down
she transferred the burden of her ring
to "his society” which stings.
They kept saying it was his right.
There she killed her plight,
And took her flight.



  1. Hello Preeti!
    Just read this wonderful piece of yours: "Her Political Poem", such a powerful title! Fantastic! In every respect!
    This is what I did not see in the villanelle as to how wonderfully you've ended this one, so puchy and poetic. Amazing!
    Jesus Loves You!

    1. Hey Shubham! Thanks again. The title is Her Honor not Her Political Poem.


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