Political Poem: Pallavi Verma

Raged Make up

She wish
she could put
the black bindi
from her forehead
to her cleavage
as a black dot
of shame
for all the
locked constant stares
just below her neck

She wish
she could fill
the parting line
of her hair
with the black
eye liner
the lines are crossed
and NO
has been taken for
any other meaning

She wish
she could wrap
her braid
around her neck
like a necklace
and change
her anklets, her bangles
into rusted iron chains
the path to justice
feels like a never ending circle

It's boiling 
rage within her
is boiling
the color of her lipstick,
her nails
turn into
the color of her rage
she doesn't know
Where will it
                         lead her?


  1. Hello Pallavi!
    Powerful, head-on yet poetic, incisive yet soft. Wonderful piece! Wonderful title!
    Jesus Loves You!


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